L.Control.Sidebar = L.Control.extend({ includes: L.Mixin.Events, options: { closeButton: true, position: 'left', autoPan: true, }, initialize: function (placeholder, options) { L.setOptions(this, options); // Find content container var content = this._contentContainer = L.DomUtil.get(placeholder); // Remove the content container from its original parent content.parentNode.removeChild(content); var l = 'leaflet-'; // Create sidebar container var container = this._container = L.DomUtil.create('div', l + 'sidebar ' + this.options.position); // Style and attach content container L.DomUtil.addClass(content, l + 'control'); container.appendChild(content); // Create close button and attach it if configured if (this.options.closeButton) { var close = this._closeButton = L.DomUtil.create('a', 'close', container); close.innerHTML = '×'; } }, addTo: function (map) { var container = this._container; var content = this._contentContainer; // Attach event to close button if (this.options.closeButton) { var close = this._closeButton; L.DomEvent.on(close, 'click', this.hide, this); } L.DomEvent .on(container, 'transitionend', this._handleTransitionEvent, this) .on(container, 'webkitTransitionEnd', this._handleTransitionEvent, this); // Attach sidebar container to controls container var controlContainer = map._controlContainer; controlContainer.insertBefore(container, controlContainer.firstChild); this._map = map; // Make sure we don't drag the map when we interact with the content var stop = L.DomEvent.stopPropagation; var fakeStop = L.DomEvent._fakeStop || stop; L.DomEvent .on(content, 'contextmenu', stop) .on(content, 'click', fakeStop) .on(content, 'mousedown', stop) .on(content, 'touchstart', stop) .on(content, 'dblclick', fakeStop) .on(content, 'mousewheel', stop) .on(content, 'MozMousePixelScroll', stop); return this; }, removeFrom: function (map) { //if the control is visible, hide it before removing it. this.hide(); var container = this._container; var content = this._contentContainer; // Remove sidebar container from controls container var controlContainer = map._controlContainer; controlContainer.removeChild(container); //disassociate the map object this._map = null; // Unregister events to prevent memory leak var stop = L.DomEvent.stopPropagation; var fakeStop = L.DomEvent._fakeStop || stop; L.DomEvent .off(content, 'contextmenu', stop) .off(content, 'click', fakeStop) .off(content, 'mousedown', stop) .off(content, 'touchstart', stop) .off(content, 'dblclick', fakeStop) .off(content, 'mousewheel', stop) .off(content, 'MozMousePixelScroll', stop); L.DomEvent .off(container, 'transitionend', this._handleTransitionEvent, this) .off(container, 'webkitTransitionEnd', this._handleTransitionEvent, this); if (this._closeButton && this._close) { var close = this._closeButton; L.DomEvent.off(close, 'click', this.hide, this); } return this; }, isVisible: function () { return L.DomUtil.hasClass(this._container, 'visible'); }, show: function () { if (!this.isVisible()) { L.DomUtil.addClass(this._container, 'visible'); if (this.options.autoPan) { this._map.panBy([-this.getOffset() / 2, 0], { duration: 0.5 }); } this.fire('show'); } }, hide: function (e) { if (this.isVisible()) { L.DomUtil.removeClass(this._container, 'visible'); if (this.options.autoPan) { this._map.panBy([this.getOffset() / 2, 0], { duration: 0.5 }); } this.fire('hide'); } if(e) { L.DomEvent.stopPropagation(e); } }, toggle: function () { if (this.isVisible()) { this.hide(); } else { this.show(); } }, getContainer: function () { return this._contentContainer; }, getCloseButton: function () { return this._closeButton; }, setContent: function (content) { var container = this.getContainer(); if (typeof content === 'string') { container.innerHTML = content; } else { // clean current content while (container.firstChild) { container.removeChild(container.firstChild); } container.appendChild(content); } return this; }, getOffset: function () { if (this.options.position === 'right') { return -this._container.offsetWidth; } else { return this._container.offsetWidth; } }, _handleTransitionEvent: function (e) { if (e.propertyName == 'left' || e.propertyName == 'right') this.fire(this.isVisible() ? 'shown' : 'hidden'); } }); L.control.sidebar = function (placeholder, options) { return new L.Control.Sidebar(placeholder, options); };