#!/bin/sh #set -x if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then echo echo Usage: ./create.sh hello-world \"Hello World\" echo echo The first hello-world is your portlet id. A new directory will be created based echo on the portlet id. echo echo The second \"Hello World\" is the portlet\'s display name. The quotation marks are echo only needed because there is a space in the display name. echo echo A third value can be passed to specify the portlet framework to use. Valid echo values are \"jsf\", \"icefaces\", \"liferay_faces_alloy\", \"mvc\", \"primefaces\", echo \"richfaces\", \"spring_mvc\", or \"vaadin\". The default value is \"mvc\". The echo quotation marks are not needed. exit 127 fi ant -Dportlet.name=$1 -Dportlet.display.name=\"$2\" -Dportlet.framework=$3 create #ant deploy exit 0