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// |
// Variables |
// -------------------------------------------------- |
// Global values |
// -------------------------------------------------- |
// Grays |
// ------------------------- |
$black: #000 !default; |
$grayDarker: #222 !default; |
$grayDark: #333 !default; |
$gray: #555 !default; |
$grayLight: #999 !default; |
$grayLighter: #eee !default; |
$white: #fff !default; |
// Accent colors |
// ------------------------- |
$blue: #049cdb !default; |
$blueDark: #0064cd !default; |
$green: #46a546 !default; |
$red: #9d261d !default; |
$yellow: #ffc40d !default; |
$orange: #f89406 !default; |
$pink: #c3325f !default; |
$purple: #7a43b6 !default; |
// Scaffolding |
// ------------------------- |
$bodyBackground: $white !default; |
$textColor: $grayDark !default; |
// Links |
// ------------------------- |
$linkColor: #08c !default; |
$linkColorHover: darken($linkColor, 15%) !default; |
// Typography |
// ------------------------- |
$sansFontFamily: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !default; |
$serifFontFamily: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif !default; |
$monoFontFamily: Monaco, Menlo, Consolas, "Courier New", monospace !default; |
$baseFontSize: 14px !default; |
$baseFontFamily: $sansFontFamily !default; |
$baseLineHeight: 20px !default; |
$altFontFamily: $serifFontFamily !default; |
$headingsFontFamily: inherit !default; // empty to use BS default, $baseFontFamily |
$headingsFontWeight: bold !default; // instead of browser default, bold |
$headingsColor: inherit !default; // empty to use BS default, $textColor |
// Component sizing |
// ------------------------- |
// Based on 14px font-size and 20px line-height |
$fontSizeLarge: $baseFontSize * 1.25 !default; // ~18px |
$fontSizeSmall: $baseFontSize * 0.85 !default; // ~12px |
$fontSizeMini: $baseFontSize * 0.75 !default; // ~11px |
$paddingLarge: 11px 19px !default; // 44px |
$paddingSmall: 2px 10px !default; // 26px |
$paddingMini: 0px 6px !default; // 22px |
$baseBorderRadius: 4px !default; |
$borderRadiusLarge: 6px !default; |
$borderRadiusSmall: 3px !default; |
// Tables |
// ------------------------- |
$tableBackground: transparent !default; // overall background-color |
$tableBackgroundAccent: #f9f9f9 !default; // for striping |
$tableBackgroundHover: #f5f5f5 !default; // for hover |
$tableBorder: #ddd !default; // table and cell border |
// Buttons |
// ------------------------- |
$btnBackground: $white !default; |
$btnBackgroundHighlight: darken($white, 10%) !default; |
$btnBorder: #ccc !default; |
$btnPrimaryBackground: $linkColor !default; |
$btnPrimaryBackgroundHighlight: adjust-hue($btnPrimaryBackground, 20%) !default; |
$btnInfoBackground: #5bc0de !default; |
$btnInfoBackgroundHighlight: #2f96b4 !default; |
$btnSuccessBackground: #62c462 !default; |
$btnSuccessBackgroundHighlight: #51a351 !default; |
$btnWarningBackground: lighten($orange, 15%) !default; |
$btnWarningBackgroundHighlight: $orange !default; |
$btnDangerBackground: #ee5f5b !default; |
$btnDangerBackgroundHighlight: #bd362f !default; |
$btnInverseBackground: #444 !default; |
$btnInverseBackgroundHighlight: $grayDarker !default; |
// Forms |
// ------------------------- |
$inputBackground: $white !default; |
$inputBorder: #ccc !default; |
$inputBorderRadius: $baseBorderRadius !default; |
$inputDisabledBackground: $grayLighter !default; |
$formActionsBackground: #f5f5f5 !default; |
$inputHeight: $baseLineHeight + 10px; // base line-height + 8px vertical padding + 2px top/bottom border |
// Dropdowns |
// ------------------------- |
$dropdownBackground: $white !default; |
$dropdownBorder: rgba(0,0,0,.2) !default; |
$dropdownDividerTop: #e5e5e5 !default; |
$dropdownDividerBottom: $white !default; |
$dropdownLinkColor: $grayDark !default; |
$dropdownLinkColorHover: $white !default; |
$dropdownLinkColorActive: $white !default; |
$dropdownLinkBackgroundActive: $linkColor !default; |
$dropdownLinkBackgroundHover: $dropdownLinkBackgroundActive !default; |
// -------------------------------------------------- |
// Z-index master list |
// ------------------------- |
// Used for a bird's eye view of components dependent on the z-axis |
// Try to avoid customizing these :) |
$zindexDropdown: 1000 !default; |
$zindexPopover: 1010 !default; |
$zindexTooltip: 1030 !default; |
$zindexFixedNavbar: 1030 !default; |
$zindexModalBackdrop: 1040 !default; |
$zindexModal: 1050 !default; |
// Sprite icons path |
// ------------------------- |
$iconSpritePath: "../img/glyphicons-halflings.png" !default; |
$iconWhiteSpritePath: "../img/glyphicons-halflings-white.png" !default; |
// Input placeholder text color |
// ------------------------- |
$placeholderText: $grayLight !default; |
// Hr border color |
// ------------------------- |
$hrBorder: $grayLighter !default; |
// Horizontal forms & lists |
// ------------------------- |
$horizontalComponentOffset: 180px !default; |
// Wells |
// ------------------------- |
$wellBackground: #f5f5f5 !default; |
// Navbar |
// ------------------------- |
$navbarCollapseWidth: 979px !default; |
$navbarCollapseDesktopWidth: $navbarCollapseWidth + 1; |
$navbarHeight: 40px !default; |
$navbarBackgroundHighlight: #ffffff !default; |
$navbarBackground: darken($navbarBackgroundHighlight, 5%) !default; |
$navbarBorder: darken($navbarBackground, 12%) !default; |
$navbarText: #777 !default; |
$navbarLinkColor: #777 !default; |
$navbarLinkColorHover: $grayDark !default; |
$navbarLinkColorActive: $gray !default; |
$navbarLinkBackgroundHover: transparent !default; |
$navbarLinkBackgroundActive: darken($navbarBackground, 5%) !default; |
$navbarBrandColor: $navbarLinkColor !default; |
// Inverted navbar |
$navbarInverseBackground: #111111 !default; |
$navbarInverseBackgroundHighlight: #222222 !default; |
$navbarInverseBorder: #252525 !default; |
$navbarInverseText: $grayLight !default; |
$navbarInverseLinkColor: $grayLight !default; |
$navbarInverseLinkColorHover: $white !default; |
$navbarInverseLinkColorActive: $navbarInverseLinkColorHover !default; |
$navbarInverseLinkBackgroundHover: transparent !default; |
$navbarInverseLinkBackgroundActive: $navbarInverseBackground !default; |
$navbarInverseSearchBackground: lighten($navbarInverseBackground, 25%) !default; |
$navbarInverseSearchBackgroundFocus: $white !default; |
$navbarInverseSearchBorder: $navbarInverseBackground !default; |
$navbarInverseSearchPlaceholderColor: #ccc !default; |
$navbarInverseBrandColor: $navbarInverseLinkColor !default; |
// Pagination |
// ------------------------- |
$paginationBackground: #fff !default; |
$paginationBorder: #ddd !default; |
$paginationActiveBackground: #f5f5f5 !default; |
// Progressbar |
// ------------------------- |
$progressBackground: #f9f9f9 !default; |
$progressBackgroundHighlight: #f5f5f5 !default; |
$progressbarBackground: #0480be !default; |
$progressbarBackgroundHighlight: #149bdf !default; |
$progressbarDangerBackground: #ee5f5b !default; |
$progressbarDangerBackgroundHighlight: #c43c35 !default; |
$progressbarInfoBackground: #5bc0de !default; |
$progressbarInfoBackgroundHighlight: #339bb9 !default; |
$progressbarSuccessBackground: #62c462 !default; |
$progressbarSuccessBackgroundHighlight: #57a957 !default; |
$progressbarStripedColor: #149bdf !default; |
// Hero unit |
// ------------------------- |
$heroUnitBackground: $grayLighter !default; |
$heroUnitHeadingColor: inherit !default; |
$heroUnitLeadColor: inherit !default; |
// Form states and alerts |
// ------------------------- |
$warningText: #c09853 !default; |
$warningBackground: #fcf8e3 !default; |
$warningBorder: darken(adjust-hue($warningBackground, -10), 3%) !default; |
$errorText: #b94a48 !default; |
$errorBackground: #f2dede !default; |
$errorBorder: darken(adjust-hue($errorBackground, -10), 3%) !default; |
$successText: #468847 !default; |
$successBackground: #dff0d8 !default; |
$successBorder: darken(adjust-hue($successBackground, -10), 5%) !default; |
$infoText: #3a87ad !default; |
$infoBackground: #d9edf7 !default; |
$infoBorder: darken(adjust-hue($infoBackground, -10), 7%) !default; |
// Tooltips and popovers |
// ------------------------- |
$tooltipColor: #fff !default; |
$tooltipBackground: #000 !default; |
$tooltipArrowWidth: 5px !default; |
$tooltipArrowColor: $tooltipBackground !default; |
$popoverBackground: #fff !default; |
$popoverArrowWidth: 10px !default; |
$popoverArrowColor: #fff !default; |
$popoverTitleBackground: darken($popoverBackground, 3%) !default; |
// Special enhancement for popovers |
$popoverArrowOuterWidth: $popoverArrowWidth + 1 !default; |
$popoverArrowOuterColor: rgba(0,0,0,.25) !default; |
// GRID |
// -------------------------------------------------- |
// Default 940px grid |
// ------------------------- |
$gridColumns: 12 !default; |
$gridColumnWidth: 60px !default; |
$gridGutterWidth: 20px !default; |
$gridRowWidth: ($gridColumns * $gridColumnWidth) + ($gridGutterWidth * ($gridColumns - 1)) !default; |
// 1200px min |
$gridColumnWidth1200: 70px !default; |
$gridGutterWidth1200: 30px !default; |
$gridRowWidth1200: ($gridColumns * $gridColumnWidth1200) + ($gridGutterWidth1200 * ($gridColumns - 1)) !default; |
// 768px-979px |
$gridColumnWidth768: 42px !default; |
$gridGutterWidth768: 20px !default; |
$gridRowWidth768: ($gridColumns * $gridColumnWidth768) + ($gridGutterWidth768 * ($gridColumns - 1)) !default; |
// Fluid grid |
// ------------------------- |
$fluidGridColumnWidth: percentage($gridColumnWidth/$gridRowWidth) !default; |
$fluidGridGutterWidth: percentage($gridGutterWidth/$gridRowWidth) !default; |
// 1200px min |
$fluidGridColumnWidth1200: percentage($gridColumnWidth1200/$gridRowWidth1200) !default; |
$fluidGridGutterWidth1200: percentage($gridGutterWidth1200/$gridRowWidth1200) !default; |
// 768px-979px |
$fluidGridColumnWidth768: percentage($gridColumnWidth768/$gridRowWidth768) !default; |
$fluidGridGutterWidth768: percentage($gridGutterWidth768/$gridRowWidth768) !default;