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89 righe
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3 anni fa
# ---> Java
# Compiled class file
# Log file
# BlueJ files
# Mobile Tools for Java (J2ME)
# Package Files #
# virtual machine crash logs, see
# ---> Eclipse
# External tool builders
# Locally stored "Eclipse launch configurations"
# PyDev specific (Python IDE for Eclipse)
# CDT-specific (C/C++ Development Tooling)
# CDT- autotools
# Java annotation processor (APT)
# PDT-specific (PHP Development Tools)
# sbteclipse plugin
# Tern plugin
# TeXlipse plugin
# STS (Spring Tool Suite)
# Code Recommenders
# Annotation Processing
# Scala IDE specific (Scala & Java development for Eclipse)
# Uncomment this line if you wish to ignore the project description file.
# Typically, this file would be tracked if it contains build/dependency configurations: