WARNING: Support for ServiceBuilder in EXT plugins will be deprecated in future
versions. EXT plugins are designed to override the portal's core code that
cannot be done with hooks, layout templates, portlets, or themes. EXT plugins
are not meant to contain new custom services. Please migrate your service.xml to
a portlet plugin.
WARNING: Support for ServiceBuilder in EXT plugins will be deprecated in future
versions. EXT plugins are designed to override the portal's core code that
cannot be done with hooks, layout templates, portlets, or themes. EXT plugins
are not meant to contain new custom services. Please migrate your service.xml to
a portlet plugin.
${property.name} does not exist!
The properties "app.server.dir", "app.server.zip.name", and "ext.work.dir" are
not properly specified.
The directory denoted by the property "ext.work.dir" will be deleted and the zip
file denoted by the property "app.server.zip.name" will be unzipped into this
directory. The property "app.server.dir" must point to the application server
directory that was unzipped into "ext.work.dir".
For example, if "ext.work.dir" points to "C:\ext-work", and
"app.server.zip.name" points to "C:\files\liferay-portal-tomcat-6.0-${lp.version}.zip",
then "app.server.dir" should point to
"docroot\WEB-INF\ext-web\docroot\WEB-INF\lib" must not exist. Put JAR files in
"docroot\WEB-INF\ext-lib\portal" that need to be accessible to the portal class