Please use Ant 1.8.0 or above. . Task cannot continue because ECJ is not installed. ECJ was automatically installed. Please rerun your task. . Task cannot continue because Error-Prone is not installed. Error-Prone was automatically installed. Please rerun your task. ${build-css.output} Sass to CSS Builder generated exceptions. Custom javac source ${javac.source} Custom javac target ${} . Detected inclusion of portal-impl.jar in WEB-INF/lib. portal-impl.jar is designed with a large number of singleton classes which are instantiated on the basis that they will exist alone in the application server. While compile time issues may be resolved, portlets cannot be made to work by simply adding portal-impl.jar, because doing so violates the above assumption, and the resulting problems will be extremely difficult to debug. Please find a solution that does not require portal-impl.jar. Unable to automatically update web.xml in ${plugin.file}. @{module.dir} ${} ${jmx.remote.port} ${app.server.tomcat.manager.password} ${app.server.tomcat.manager.user} ]]> Use "ant test-class -Dtest.class=StringUtilTest". Test class ${test.class} cannot be found. <%@ include file="init.jsp" %> <%@ page import="com.liferay.portal.model.Portlet" %> <%@ page import="com.liferay.portal.service.PortletLocalServiceUtil" %> <%@ page import="java.util.Set" %> <% Portlet portlet = PortletLocalServiceUtil.getPortletById(portletDisplay.getId()); Set paths = application.getResourcePaths("/WEB-INF/jsp/" + portlet.getFriendlyURLMapping() + "/controllers/"); for (String path : paths) { int x = path.lastIndexOf("/"); int y = path.indexOf("_controller.jsp"); if (y == -1) { continue; } String controller = path.substring(x + 1, y); %> <% } %>]]> screenshot.png does not exist. thumbnail.png does not exist. Please set the property "upgrade.table.dir" before running this task. This task must be called by the create script. ]]> ]]> ]]> Detected a modification in ${watch.sources.path}. Deploying ${watch.deploy.path}. Finished deployment. Watching for additional modifications.